is online

Okay, so I am finally blogging about my projects again. My latest little hobby project is It is a two-part project where the first part is aimed to developers like myself. They can log in and create an online CV that will be available in both HTML-, PDF- and JSON format. In the last few days I have been working on putting it online, and after a lot of feedback from my coworkers it is finally working.

I was so tired of LinkedIn. Their website is slow. Their endorsements are too easy to do so you don’t really care about the endorsements someone has. I have multiple endorsements for XHTML. It is a skill I rarely use - and most of the people endorsing me for it has no idea what it means.

So, I am building something for programmers specifically. It helps me and my coworkers - if anyone else is helped by it I will be happy.

The next part is in the works and is aimed towards employers of said programmers.